Midterm PublicationTHE ONGOiNG CONFLiCT WiTHiN IRANIntroduction: Like most major protest movements, all it takes is one symbolic tragedy to spark a widespread reckoning. In Iran, on 16...
Midterm PublicationAll-in-oneUniversity of Toronto Policython is a student- led initiative based at the University of Toronto St. George Campus. UTP Impact Reports...
Midterm PublicationHOW MUCH MORE STRAiN CAN CANADA’S HEALTH CARE SECTOR TAKE?Introduction: The so-called “fourth wave” of COVID- 19 is tearing its way through Canada. However, this new iteration of the pandemic...
Midterm PublicationCANADA’S EARLY LEARNiNG AND CHiLD CARE CRiSiSIntroduction: Ontario was the most recent province to sign on to the national average $10/day early learning and child care deal - a...
Midterm PublicationREGiONALiSM VS CLiMATE CHANGE: TWO FORCES THAT PLAGUE CANADiAN POLiTiCSIntroduction: Canada is currently undergoing a tightrope act, balancing between leading by example as a developed democratic climate...
Midterm PublicationSECRETS AND EMPTY PROMiSES: HOW CANADA iS FAiLiNG iTS INDiGENOUS POPULATiONIntroduction: Americans often joke that Canada is this safe haven, free of the -isims so prominent in the United States. To...