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Updated: Mar 9, 2023

Introduction: Canada is currently undergoing a tightrope act, balancing between leading by example as a developed democratic climate change challenger while struggling to council continuously deviating provincial demands. As the world continues to fight climate change, it is hard enough to sustain global cooperation and internationalism, let alone have a divide within one's borders. Regional divides across the nation have led to challenges in establishing universally accepted policies, creating additional domestic hurdles to such a complex international climate change problem. In order to move forward in the fight against climate change, Canada has the seemingly impossible task of satisfying all its domestic demands while pushing toward a greener state at the international level. Context: The reason against complying with federal laws and goals is the feeling of almost discrimination by Prairie provinces, regions in which oil and gas play enormous economic factors in job provision and growth. Those who rely economically on the energy industry feel overly taxed and controlled, while provinces that may consume or trade more face proportionally fewer consequences and responsibilities. With provincial powers at play, those communities with the best understanding or knowledge of its experts, infrastructure, and culture of the energy system can seek to maximize profits and benefits for its people while also having the most responsibility and power in terms of responsibility ...

Author: Alexander Lambine


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