Theme 3FOREiGN POLiCY BRiEF: CANADA’S RESPONSE TO UKRAiNE-RUSSiA CONFLiCTIntroduction: This policy brief offers two approaches that the Canadian government can consider supporting the Ukrainian government’s war...
Theme 3MOViNG TOWARDS TRUTH AND RECONCiLiATiON THROUGH ACCOUNTABiLiTY FOR REPARATiONSOF CRiMES AGAiNST INDIntroduction: The importance of addressing reparations of the crimes against Indigenous children within Residential Schools is imperative...
Theme 3POLiCY MEMORANDUM: RUSSiAN INVASiON OF UKRAiNEIntroduction: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is President Vlamdir Putin’s most aggressive action to redraw borders of the former Soviet...
Theme 3THE ABORiGiNAL CHiLDREN'S HEALTH AND WELL- BEiNG MEASURE APPIntroduction: Youth mental health and addiction has been a pertinent problem that current policies fail to fully address, especially...
Theme 3THE SCAPEGOATiNG OF FOREiGN INVESTORS —AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO HOUSiNGUNAFFORDABiLiTYIntroduction: On January 1st 2022, the federal government implemented first-ever national-tax on non-resident owners of vacant and...
Theme 3THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF CANADA’S PROPOSED PLASTiC PROHiBiTiON REGULATiONSIntroduction: Justin Trudeau’s government had introduced a single use plastic ban in 2021 to effectively manage waste in Canada. This ban...