Theme 1A GOVERNMENT FAiLURE: POVERTY AMONGFiRST NATiONS iN CANADAIntroduction: The Indian Act, the first policy dictating Canadian-indigenous relations, continues to be a policy failure because it...
Theme 1A PRESCRiPTiON FOR ACCESS: THE CALL FOR ANATiONAL PHARMACARE PROGRAMIntroduction: Canada is well-known for its universal healthcare system, but without a prescription drug policy, how universal can such a...
Theme 1HE’S A FEMiNiST! A TRACK RECORD OF CANADA’S MOST FEMiNiST PRiME MiNiSTERIntroduction: How consistent has Justin Trudeau's actions been during his time in office so far? This report points that substantial...
Theme 1POLiTiCAL LEADERS, EH? THE UNiQUE CENTRALiTYOF PARTY LEADERS iN CANADiAN DEMOCRACYIntroduction: Unlike many other democracies, Canadian voters place an overwhelming emphasis on party leaders when checking off their...
Theme 1PROViSiON OF FREE MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS TO FEDERAL WORKERS iN CANADAIntroduction: How accessible are menstrual products in Canada, and what has Canada itself done to make menstrual products accessible?...
Theme 1MASS iNCARCERATiON OF iNDiGENOUS PEOPLES —— THE ONGOiNG EFFECT OF COLONiALiSMAdequate access to menstrual products is a means of achieving menstrual equity and is necessary for upholding Canadian’s sexual and repro...